Info & Support

Server Info

Server Rates

Exp Progression Rate(Lv1-10): 6x

Exp Progression Rate(Lv10-30): 8x

Exp Progression Rate(Lv30-65): 12x

Drop Rate: 5x

Gathering Count: 3x

Quest Exp: 5x

Quest Kinah: 5x

Abyss Point Rate: 3x

Player Commands

.buy (buy items from the in-game Gamez Shop)

.decompose (decomposes the specified item)

.del (delete specified items from your inventory)

.dropinfo (show npc drops)

.gmlist (shows list of online GMS)

.id (shows the ID of specified object|item|quest)

.nomorph (cancel transformation appearance)

.noexp (disables experience rewards)

.preview (preview specific items or colors)

.pvp (join, leave or show pvp map info)

.help (shows list of commands)